
Presidential Election Live丨Vivian老师带你背词汇day140

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#考研词汇# day 140

 @ 考虫vivian老师






Presidential Election Live: Voters Doubt Honesty and Integrity of Both Candidates


Right Now: In Florida, Mr. Trump was leading among white voters, including those with a college degree, while Mrs. Clinton was buoyed by a rise in nonwhite voters. Roughly four in 10 Florida voters in Tuesday’s election were nonwhite, and they accounted for well over half of Mrs. Clinton’s backers there.

{roughly  adv. 粗糙地;概略地

 account for 对…做出解释;(比例)占}


Early results from East Coast and Rust Belt battleground states showed a tight race between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton for the Oval Office as Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a onetime presidential hopeful, won re-election in a hard-fought contest that could help thwart Democratic hopes to take over the Senate.

{coast n. 海岸 

tight race  势均力敌的竞赛 

senator n. 参议员 

democratic  adj. 民主的 

take over 接管;接收}


More results from a slew of noncompetitive states: Hillary Clinton has won in Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Delaware, as well as the District of Columbia. Donald Trump has won in Oklahoma.

{district n. 区域;地方;行政区}


Donald J. Trump has won three deep red states — Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia — earning a total of 24 electoral votes in his bid for the presidency. And Hillary Clinton has won Vermont’s three electoral votes, emerging victorious in the state represented in the Senate by Bernie Sanders, her top Democratic challenger in the primaries.

{total n. 总数,合计 adj. 全部的 

bid v. 投标;出价 

emerge v. 浮现;摆脱;暴露 

represent v. 代表;表现}


But a handful of key states on the East Coast remain too close to call shortly after polls closed at 7 p.m., reflecting an intense battle for votes that could lead to a long night before a White House victor is determined.

{poll n. 投票;民意测验 

intense  adj. 强烈的;紧张的 

determine v.下决心; 决定,确定}


Voters who surged into polling places across America on Tuesday were sharply divided over whether either Donald J. Trump or Hillary Clinton had the experience and character to lead the nation, and large majorities of those who cast ballots expressed doubts about the honesty and integrity of both candidates. A race that has been dominated by ugly, personal attacks appears to have taken a toll on voters, who said in early exit polling that they had serious misgivings about Mr. Trump’s treatment of women and about Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server.

{experience  n. 经验;经历 

majority n. 多数 

ballot  n. 投票 

candidate n. 候选人

dominate v. 控制;支配;占优势

private adj. 私人的}

对于唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Clinton)是否拥有领导美国的经验和性格,本周二涌入美国各地投票站的选民有很大的分歧,而且大多数投票者都对两位候选人的诚实和正直表示了怀疑。这场充斥着丑陋的人身攻击的竞选似乎给选民带来了伤害,他们在早期出口民调中说,特朗普对待女性的态度,以及克林顿使用私人电邮服务器的事情,给他们带来了严重疑虑。

The country’s mood appears darker and more pessimistic than it was four years ago, with about 60 percent of voters saying the country is seriously on the wrong track, compared with only about half of voters who said that in 2012. More than two-thirds of Tuesday’s voters said they were dissatisfied or even angry with the way the federal government was working.

{pessimistic /,pesi'mistik/ a.悲观(主义)的 

federal adj. 联邦的}


Many voters who cast ballots early in the day said they were eager for a president who could bring change to Washington, though they expressed dismay that issues like the economy had been largely overlooked in the brutal, long and nasty campaign.

{eager adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的 

dismay v. 使沮丧;使惊慌 n. 沮丧 

overlook v. 忽略 

nasty adj. 下流的;肮脏的}




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